News Stories

Media coverage and articles on TKS

Media Kit

Where Tomorrow’s Innovators Will Come From
Where Tomorrow’s Innovators Will Come From
“Earlier this month, the World Economic Forum listed TKS as a global leader in educational innovation and creativity. The mission of this Canada-based human accelerator is to build the leaders and innovators of tomorrow, and its results are enviable...”
These young women want to change the world
These young women want to change the world
"Isabella is on a mission to revolutionize the food system. She's researching how to produce lab-grown food such as meat, eggs or milk. Her objective is to develop a sustainable method of production."
Should we teach children about quantum computing?
Should we teach children about quantum computing?
"Tim and Kelley McDonald enrolled their son Jack in The Knowledge Society (TKS), an innovation program for teenagers, to give him a chance to learn what he doesn't at traditional school."
How this program turns ordinary teens into tech superheroes
How this program turns ordinary teens into tech superheroes
"We’re crossing our fingers hoping for people to change the world, but the whole point of TKS is we’re intentionally developing people to change the world; we’re intentionally training people on how to be exceptional.”

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